Vaisala HMW90 HVAC RH&T Transmitters
RH&T transmitters designed for HVAC control in building automation applications.
Dwyer VT-200 Portable Vane Anemometer
Low cost, portable vane anemometer
Dwyer V10 Mini Flow Switch
Mini Flow Switch for heating systems
Dwyer AQH-20 Air Quality Meter
Indoor air quality meter for CO2, Relative Humidity and Temperature
Dwyer SAH Smart Air Hood
Smart air hood to balance and test an HVAC system.
Dwyer Series MS Magnesense Differential Pressure Transmitter
The Series MS Magnesense® Differential Pressure Transmitter is an extremely versatile transmitter
Vaisala DMT242 Dewpoint Transmitter
Transmitter for reliable dewpoint measurement in dry process applications.
Vaisala HMD60U / HMD60Y / HMD60T RH&T Transmitters
Econonmical transmitter for general purpose RH&T measurement in HVAC applications.
Vaisala HMD70U, HMD70Y and HMD70T RH&T Transmitter
Econonmical transmitter for general purpose RH&T measurement in HVAC applications.