Honeywell STG100 Gauge Pressure Transmitter
An industrial pressure transmitter from the Honeywell ST3000 transmitter family.
Honeywell Multitrend SX Paperless Recorder
Comprehensive data acquisition system for process measurement, logging and control.
Honeywell STT350 Temperature Transmitter
Temperature transmitter with reduced uncertainty for custody transfer applications.
Honeywell DPR250 Strip Chart Paper Recorder
Traditional paper recorder typically for pharmaceutical, power and environmental monitoring.
Honeywell STG900 Gauge Pressure Transmitter
An industrial pressure transmitter from the Honeywell ST3000 transmitter family.
Honeywell RM60 FMCW Radar Level Transmitter
Industrial non-contact radar transmitter for the level measurement of solids.
Honeywell RM70 FMCW Radar Level Transmitter
Industrial non-contact radar transmitter for the level measurement of liquids
Honeywell RM71 TDR Guided Radar
Industrial level transmitter for use in liquids, powders and pastes.
Honeywell Hammer Union Pressure Transmitter
Rugged pressure sensors, designed for demanding onshore and offshore applications.
Vaisala DMT242 Dewpoint Transmitter
Transmitter for reliable dewpoint measurement in dry process applications.
Dwyer AT21823 ATEX Differential Pressure Switch
Low differential pressure switch in EExd explosion proof housing.
Instrument Enclosures
Bespoke instrument enclosure assemblies by Fluidic
Flow Meter Hire & Energy Surveys
Flow meter hire and energy monitoring surveys
Vaisala HMT360 EExia RH&T Transmitters
ATEX transmitter for measuring humidity and temperature in hazardous areas.
Vaisala WXT520 Multi-Variable Weather Transmitter
Outdoor weather transmitter designed to measure multiple weather variables.
Field Sales Visits & Exhibitions
Fluidic have a team of experienced field sales representatives able
Honeywell STT170 Temperature Transmitter
Industrial programmable temperature transmitter puck for monitoring applications.
IceSpy Notion Pro Software
Wireless enviornmental monitor suited to hospitals, cleanrooms and pharmaceutical applications
Schmidt SS 30.30X Airflow Sensor
Thermal flow sensor technology to monitor air and gas flow.
Status PTX130 Pressure transmitter
Low cost, OEM style pressure transmitter with 4-20mA output
Vaisala GMT220 Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Transmitter
Transmitters ideal for measuring CO2 levels in humid environments.
Vaisala GMW115 HVAC CO2 Transmitter
Compact, wall-mounted carbon dioxide transmitter for HVAC ventilation control.
Vaisala HMD60U / HMD60Y / HMD60T RH&T Transmitters
Econonmical transmitter for general purpose RH&T measurement in HVAC applications.
Vaisala HMD70U, HMD70Y and HMD70T RH&T Transmitter
Econonmical transmitter for general purpose RH&T measurement in HVAC applications.