Hanwell SMS Module
Hanwell module to generate alarms via SMS text message.
Honeywell Experion HS SCADA
SCADA software allowing monitoring and control of the plant enviornment.
Honeywell eZtrend GR Paperless Recorder
Comprehensive data acquisition system for process measurement, logging and control.
Honeywell RTU2020 Remote Terminal Unit
A low cost process control and data acquisition system.
Influx iMT Variable Area Flowmeter
Variable Area flowmeter suitable for measuring gas or liquid flow.
Honeywell DR Circular Paperless Chart Recorders
Comprehensive data acquisition system for process measurement, logging and control.
Hanwell IceSpy Network Receiver (Base Station)
Base station for the Hanwell IceSpy wireless system.
Vaisala HMK15 Humidity Calibrator
Spot check RH instruments against a known reference condition.
Vaisala PTB330TS Portable Digital Barometer Kit
Portable, battery operated transfer standard with data capability.
Vaisala HMP110 RH&T Sensors for OEM installations
Compact, low cost transmtiters aimed towards OEM type applications.
Vaisala HMP60 Humidity and Temperature Probe
Compact, low cost transmtiters aimed towards OEM type applications.
Vaisala HMP7 Humidity and Temperature Probe
RH&T probe designed for applications that involve constant high humidity
IN-TA001 SMS Module
Used with Hanwell Synergy or Notion Pro monitoring systems.
Honeywell DPR180 Strip Chart Paper Recorder
Traditional paper recorder typically for pharmaceutical, power and environmental monitoring.
Honeywell eZtrend QXe Paperless Recorder
Comprehensive data acquisition system for process measurement, logging and control.
Honeywell Minitrend QX Paperless Recorder
Comprehensive data acquisition system for process measurement, logging and control.
Honeywell Multitrend SX Paperless Recorder
Comprehensive data acquisition system for process measurement, logging and control.
Honeywell DPR250 Strip Chart Paper Recorder
Traditional paper recorder typically for pharmaceutical, power and environmental monitoring.
Hanwell Synergy
Hanwell's flagship data acquisition system, ideal for cleanrooms and pharmaceuticals.
IceSpy Notion Pro Software
Wireless enviornmental monitor suited to hospitals, cleanrooms and pharmaceutical applications