As partners for Katronic, Fluidic offer a range of portable, non-invasive flow meters. We hold a hire fleet of ultrasonic “time-of-flight” flow meters. Our flow meters, specifically the Katronic KATflow 230 Portable Flow Meter incorporates heat meter technology and can be used to temporarily monitor the energy use through certain parts of your boiler plant. Common applications include hospitals, swimming pools, hotels etc. Where the flow through a heat pump etc is known, along with the temperature increase across heat source, the flow meter with heat meter can calculate energy use. Fluidic are able to hire this instrument out, or even come to site to do the install and supply the information in a professionally presented report.
Common applications
Fluidic are a recognised partner of Katronic Flow Meters for Scotland and the North of England. Our instrumentation engineers are product trained and are able to help with instrument selection within the full Katronic supply of ultrasonic clamp-on flowmeters. Please call either office for more information (Glasgow 0141 641 5920, Warrington 01925 572401).