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Schmidt IL30.XXX Inline Airflow Sensor

Schmidt IL30.XXX is a series of inline mass airflow sensors suitable for small diameter lines (DN15…DN50 / 1/2″…2″).  Sensor technology is thermal, allowing for accuracy across small to high flow rates.  Thermal flowmeters also provide minimal pressure drop and offer no moving parts susceptible to wear.  Schmidt IL30.XXX also employs a unique multi-point measurement system, ensuring reduced uncertainty of reading even in slightly turbulent flow profiles.  An inlet straight length of only >3x DIAs is necessary for confident readings in the multi-point models.


Schmidt IL30.XXX Air flow meter models

  • IL30.005 (single point measurement), DN15 (0.5″) lines, range 0…76.3nm3/hr*
  • IL30.010 MPM (multi-point measurement), DN25 (1″) lines, range 0…229nm3/hr*
  • IL30.015 MPM (multi-point measurement), DN40 (1.5″) lines, range 0…417nm3/hr*
  • IL30.020 MPM (multi-point measurement), DN50 (2″) lines, range 0…712nm3/hr*

*Flow rates are normalised to standard conditions of air @ 20°C and 1,013.25hPa.



Schmidt IL30.XXX Air flow meter specifications

  • Multi-point sensor measurement on DN25+ lines
  • Uncertainty within ±(3% reading + 0.3% full range)
  • Operating temperature conditions -20…+60°C, upto 16barg
  • 2x 4…20mA outputs (volume flow and temperature)
  • Pulse output
  • LED indication for approx airflow guide and fault status (see photos left)
  • M12, 5POS circular connector for supply and signal.  (Fluidic can supply mating cable assemblies for this, please ask our sales team)
  • Separate circular connector for “expansion module” (such as the Schmidt BT10.010 bluetooth module or MD10.020 display).
  • Extension pieces can be included to ensure an ideal straight length in/out of the flowmeter and ease of install to your process.


Schmidt Multi-Point Measurement Video

Fluidic are a recognised partner of Schmidt Technologies for the United Kingdom.  Our instrumentation engineers are product trained and are able to help with instrument selection within the full thermal air flow instrumentation line from Schmidt.   Please call either office for more information (Glasgow 0141 641 5920,  Warrington 01925 572401).



  • Download Schmidt IL30.XXX Air flow sensor datasheet
  • Download Schmidt IL30.XXX Air flow sensor manual
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