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Thermocouples utilise two different metals to provide a very small voltage that varies with temperature. They have the benefit of being low cost with a wide temperature range and are particularly suitable for high temperature monitoring such as furnace applications.  Through our association with H&B Sensors, Fluidic offer a range of “base metal thermocouples” and “noble metal thermocouples”.


Base metal thermocouples include the following options

  • Type K thermocouple (Nickel-Chromium / Nickel-Aluminium)
    Temperature range approx 0 to 1100C.  Low cost and low accuracy.
  • Type J thermocouple (Iron/Copper nickel)
    Temperature range approx –185 to 300C.  Similar cost/accuracy to type K.
  • Type T thermocouple (Copper/Copper nickel)
    Temperature range -185 to 300C.  Higher accuracy, particularly good for cryogenic applications.
  • Type E thermocouple (Nickel-Chromium/Copper nickel)
    Temperature 0 to 800C with moderate accuracy.  Less commonly used.


Noble metal thermocouples are typically reserved for high temperature, furnace applications.

  • Type S thermocouple (Platinum Rhodium / Platinum)
    Temperature range 0 to 1550C.  Low rhodium concentration (about 10%), lower cost of the noble metal thermocouple series.
  • Type R thermocouple (Platinum Rhodium/ Platinum)
    Temperature range 0 to 1550C.  Slightly higher rhodium concentration (about 13%), provides slightly improved accuracy and stability than type S at high temperature.
  • Type B thermocouple (Platinum Rhodium – 30% / Platinum Rhodium – 6%)
    Temperature range 0 to 1700C.  Suitable for very high temperature furnace applications, providing excellent stability and uncertainty.

Further information can be found on our thermocouple colour charts.  Fluidic provide most thermocouple options including application specific sensors such as tube skin thermocouples and multipoint thermocouples.




Fluidic are the Scottish and Northern England partner for H&B Sensors.  We also have an exclusive agreement for supply to the UK nuclear industry  Our instrumentation engineers are product trained and are able to help with instrument selection within the full H&B Sensors supply scope.  Most products can be custom made for application.  Please call either office for more information (Glasgow 0141 641 5920,  Warrington 01925 572401).


  • Download H&B Sensors Catalogue
  • Download H&B Sensors Wall mount temperature sensor
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