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VEGAFLEX 81 Guided Wave Radar

VEGAFLEX 81 guided wave radar is a transmitter to monitor tank level.  Entry via the top of the tank, VEGAFLEX 81 is available with three guide types for various applications.  Guided wave radar technology is ideally suited to narrow vessels (stilling wells or bypass bridles) and is also suited for low conductivity (dk) applications.  Additionally VEGAFLEX 81 is suitable for measurement of the liquid level in foaming applications or where there is liable product build up and heavy vapours.


VEGAFLEX 81 Guided Wave Radar guide options

  • SS316 rod design as standard, up to 6m in length (field trimmable)
  • Cable design for restricted withdrawal access and lower cost transport
  • Coaxial rod to act as a natural stilling well or for extremely low dk applications


VEGAFLEX 81 Guided Wave Radar benefits and specifications

  • Suitable for low dk applications or applications with steam, build up, foam or condensation
  • Suitable for interface measurement where the lowest dk media is on top
  • A variety of process connection and materials available
  • Process temperatures down to -40°C and as high as +200°C (depending on seal selection, Fluidic can help with this)
  • Plastic, aluminium and stainless steel housing options (including electropolished stainless steel for hygenic applications)
  • Uncertainty of within ±2mm
  • 4-20mA output can be linearised for tank volume using inbuilt HART communcations with PACTware.  (Fluidic are able to offer onsite commissioning and setup and have VEGA qualified engineers to do so).


In addition, as with most VEGA instruments, the VEGAFLEX81 guided wave radar can be fitted with VEGA’s unique PLICSCOM display.  This clip in display allows some setup features along with graphical representation within the head itself.  The PLICSCOM display can be removed whilst the instrument is powered and fitted to another instrument for quick setup.  On a site of blind transmitters, the VEGA PLISCSCOM can be a useful tool to hold in the maintenance tool store.  The PLICSCOM is now available with Bluetooth technology, offering even quicker and easy access through an app installed on your tablet.


Fluidic hold a distributor agreement with VEGA Level Instrumentation.  Our instrumentation engineers are product trained and able to help with instrument selection within the full VEGA instrumentation portfolio including their range of level transmitters and level switch devices.  Please contact either office for more information (Glasgow 0141 641 5920 or Warrington 01925 572401).



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