The VortexWell ® thermowell is a solid drilled thermowell for process temperature monitoring and control. The unique VortexWell ® helical strake design eliminates the necessity for velocity collars where the wake frequency calculation would normally show failure caused by natural frequency vibration. The Vortexwell ® helical strake is very similar to the helical strakes seen on columns and cooling towers.
By using the latest CFD software to visualise the flow behaviour, Okazaki accurately compared a standard tapered thermowell and its new VortexWell ®. In the tests, the standard tapered thermowell showed classic shedding behaviour as expected, whereas the VortexWell ® demonstrated no signs of regular flow behaviour. The VortexWell ® helical strake design disturbed the flow sufficiently to interrupt the regular formation of vortices. Whilst a small vortex was observed in the wake of the VortexWell ® this was a localised stagnation point and didn’t shed.
In December 2012 Evaluation International published its report E1937 X 12 where a comparison trial had been carried out by TUV SUD NEL at their East Kilbride facility. The conclusion…
“A comparison of dynamic performance and mechanical stresses indicates that the VortexWell has significantly outperformed the standard thermowell in this project”
Fluidic are a recognised partner of Okazaki MFG for Scotland and the North of England. Our instrumentation engineers are product trained and are able to help with instrument selection within the full Okazaki MFG supply scope. Okazaki are a specialist in the field of temperature instrumentation, including the manufacture of their own MI cable. Most products can be custom made for application. Please call either office for more information (Glasgow 0141 641 5920, Warrington 01925 572401).