VEGASON S61 is an ultrasonic level sensor for liquids or bulk solids. Typical applications are the measurement of liquids in storage tanks or open basins. The sensor is also suitable for the detection of bulk solids in small vessels or open containers. The non-contact measuring principle is independent of product features and allows a setup without medium. As opposed to radar level transmitters – ultrasonic is not subject to conductivity (dk) level of the media and will reflect from any solid surface. (For this reason, however, ultrasonic level transmitters are not generally recommended for foaming applications).
VEGASON S61 is part of the Ultrasonic level family from VEGA. There are several other options in the range, contact Fluidic for details. VEGASON S61 is a low cost version, suitable for basic applications up to 5m measurement range. Another popular application is the monitoring of flow in open flumes or weirs. When using the sensor on bulk solids, the maximum measuring range is normally about 2.5m. This depends on the amount of dust generated and the consistency of the bulk solid. Please contact Fluidic for advice.
VEGASON S61 Specifications:
Fluidic hold a distributor agreement with VEGA Level Instrumentation. Our instrumentation engineers are product trained and able to help with instrument selection within the full VEGA instrumentation portfolio including their range of level transmitters and level switch devices. Please contact either office for more information (Glasgow 0141 641 5920 or Warrington 01925 572401)