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Air Balancing

March 29, 2018

Fluidic Ltd, as distributors for Dwyer Instruments, have been actively promoting Dwyer’s new Smart Air Hood (SAH). The SAH is a new design of Air balancing Hood, featuring unique Quad Core Technology. This design, coupled with clever, in-built calibration for numerous diffuser styles, means more accurate and reliable readings can be taken from ventilation registers when commissioning and balancing an air conditioning system.

The added advantage of Dwyer’s PredictAir software, which guides the user as to which damper to adjust, and how much to adjust to achieve target air flows, allows for a system to be balanced more efficiently and accurately than before.


Fluidic’s Michael Campbell recently had an article published in the Scottish Society for Contamination Control (S2C2) magazine, the Cleanroom Monitor. The attached article (button below) highlights the issues presented by conventional Air Hoods, and how Dwyer’s SAH overcomes these issues.

Dwyer SAH Smart Air Hood




S2C2 Article on Air Balancing Hood Technology
