Honeywell DR4300 Circular Chart Recorder is an entry level, single or dual pen circular chart recorder. The 260mm DIA (approx. 10″) chart is clearly marked with disposable fibre tip pens for lasting recorders to meet quality assurance demands in many food, pharmaceutical and medical device industries. In addition to basic data logging information, the Honeywell DR4300 circular chart recorder has output options. This opens up functionality of the circular chart recorder to many small process control applications.
Also consider the “big brother” model, the Honeywell DR4500 Circular Chart Recorder or the Honeywell DR Circular Paperless Chart Recorders for a modern paperless version.
Fluidic hold an exclusive channel partner agreement with Honeywell Field Products division. Our instrumentation engineers are product trained and able to help with instrument selection within the full Honeywell Field Product instrumentation portfolio including their entire range of paper and paperless recorders. Fluidic order directly with the Honeywell factory via an exclusive channel partner web portal and hold stock for some common lines. Please contact either office for more information (Glasgow 0141 641 5920 or Warrington 01925 572401).