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Status DM700 Loop Powered Indicator

Status DM700 Loop Powered Indicators are a small and compact unit, It has been designed to be completely enclosed in a clear polycarbonate cap which fits the Status standard SCH4 enclosure.


Note that the Status DM700 is soon due to become obsolete during 2020 and will be replaced with the Status DM650LP Loop Powered Indicator


The instrument is powered by the (4 to 20) mA loop current and can be connected at any point in the control loop circuit. A simple, clear display offers an easy add on for quick check reassurance from your 4-20mA field transmitter.
The displayed process range is achieved by means of three push button switches located on the underside of the module following a simple menu structure.
The product can be temperature probe mounted and is powered from an existing current loop so no extra wiring is required. An in-head temperature transmitter can be fitted in the base of the SCH4 enclosure. When installed it provides a digital readout of the process variable being measured.

Overall dimensions of the Status DM720 loop powered panel indicator is 74mm x 66.25mm x 25mm depth.

Status DM700 Loop Powered Indicator Specs

  • DM700/I DM700X/I Input (4 to 20) mA [Operated (3.8 to 21mA)]
  • Max input Current 90 mA for 1 minute
  • Accuracy ± 0.02 % of FSD
  • Max display range -1999 to 9999
  • Stability Zero 0.002% /°C Span 0.01 % / °C
  • Overrange Less than 3.8 mA or greater than 21 mA
  • Default Range 0.0 to 100.0
  • Decimal Point Programmable
  • Loop Voltage Drop Less than 4 V @ 20 mA
  • Display 4 digit 7.6 mm Red LED
  • Connection Two way screw terminal block
  • Ambient Temperature (-20 to 75) °C, Storage (-50 to 85) °C
  • ATEX DM700XI version ATEX II 1G EEx ia IIC T4-T5
  • EMC Tested to BS EN 61326
  • Hart Transparent Yes
  • Mechanical Low profile SCH4 Head ABS, IP67 rating when used with SCH4 base unit Or SCH15 stainless steel base unit.


Note that we also offer loop powered panel mount displays in the Status DM720 compact model.

Fluidic are a recognised partner of Status Instruments for Scotland and the North of England.  Along with indicators, we also offer a comprehensive range of signal conditioning instrumentation.  Our instrumentation engineers are product trained and are able to help with instrument selection within the full Status Instruments supply scope. Please call either office for more information (Glasgow 0141 641 5920, Warrington 01925 572401).


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