The Vaisala PTU300 Combined Barometric Pressure, Relative Humidity and Temperature Transmitter is a unique instrument aimed towards demanding meteorological weather measurement, particularly when combined with the HMT330MIK crossarm and associated static pressure head and RH&T radiation shield. The Vaisala PTU300 incorporates sensors known for their high accuracy and excellent long-term stability: Vaisala BAROCAP® for pressure measurement and Vaisala HUMICAP® for humidity measurement. The temperature sensor is Pt100 RTD Class F0.1 IEC 60751.
The Vaisala PTU300 features a large numerical and graphical display with a multilingual menu and keypad. This helps the user monitor operational data along with measurement trends, accessing full instrument PV history for the past 12 months. The optional data logger, with real-time clock, makes it possible to generate over four years of measurement history and zoom in on any desired time or time frame. The display alarm allows any measured parameter to be tracked, with freely configurable low and high limits.
Fluidic are a recognised partner of Vaisala CEN (Industrial division) for Scotland and the North of England. Our instrumentation engineers are product trained and able to help with instrument selection within the full range of Vaisala Barometric Pressure instrumentation, and other weather and RH&T monitoring instrumentation. Please call either office for more information (Glasgow 0141 641 5920, Warrington 01925 572401).