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3 Valve Manifolds

To compliment our range of differential pressure gauges and transmitters, Fluidic offer a variety of 3 valve manifolds.  These manifolds offer the instrument engineer the ability to isolate the differential pressure instrument for removal without interrupting the process.  In higher static, but lower differential pressure applications, the equalisation valve may be left open during install to balance pressure across ports, protecting the DP instrument diaphragm from sudden pressure surges on one side.


Manifolds may be supplied for direct mount to the differential pressure transmitter, with standard 54mm centres design.  The angled bonnet design, evident on the Q3 and S3 designs, prevents fouling of the valve head with transmitter electrical enclosure (/display).   Alternatively,  a flat faced manifold is offered as part of a panel mount design.


Fluidic have held a distribution agreement with Stewart Buchanan Gauges for over 20 years, and are proud to offer high quality manifolds from the local manufacturing facility in Scotland.  Manifolds are typically manufactured in 316SS, but materials are available for more demanding applications including 6MO, Monel and Hastelloys.  For North sea applications with traces of H2S we are able to offer 3 valve manifolds in NACE compliant materials.  The usual EN10204 3.1 material certification requirements are a standard option on all manifolds.


Common 3 Valve Manifold Options

  • K3 Double Block and Bleed, Angled Bonnet 3 valve Manifold
  • Q3 Direct Mounted, Angled Bonnet 3 valve Manifold
  • R3 Remote Mounted Pipe-Pipe 3 valve Manifold with vent plugs
  • S3 Direct Mounted, Angled Bonnet 3 valve Manifold with vent plugs
  • V3 Flat Face 3 valve Manifold


Fluidic have a team of engineers able to help with your entire instrument application, including manifolds and pressure transmitters etc.  Our engineers are product trained and familiar with a variety of different installations.  Please contact either office for more information (Glasgow 0141 641 5920 or Warrington 01925 572401).


  • Download K3 Double Block and Bleed, Angled Bonnet 3 Valve Manifold Datasheet with Drawing
  • Download Q3 Direct Mounted, Angled Bonnet 3 Valve Manifold Datasheet with Drawing
  • Download R3 Remote Mounted Pipe-Pipe 3 Valve Manifold with vent plugs Datasheet with Drawing
  • Download S3 Direct Mounted, Angled Bonnet 3 Valve Manifold with vent plugs Datasheet with Drawing
  • Download V3 Flat Face 3 Valve Manifold Datasheet with Drawing
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