The Vaisala DRYCAP® Hand-Held, Portable Dewpoint meter DM70 is designed for demanding spot-checking applications of dewpoint. The DM70 consists of an MI70 Vaisala indicator and is supplied with one of three probe options:
The MI70 indicator will accept 2x probes to run simultaneously, including a range of RH&T probes (from the HM70 range) and carbon dioxide probes (from the GM70) range. The MI70 indicator includes a datalogging facility (2700 datapoints memory) and can be supplied with Windows® Software MI70LINK with USB interface for graphing of collected information.
Dewpoint measurement is particularly common in compressed air measurement to monitor the efficiency of driers. The Vaisala DM70 unit maybe supplied with a sampling cell for this purpose. Additionally, Fluidic offer a range of fixed Dewpoint instrumentation from Vaisala for continuous measurement. The DM70 is commonly used as a calibration reference for fixed devices: connection cables are available for most Vaisala transmitters.
Fluidic are a recognised partner of Vaisala CEN (Industrial division) for Scotland and the North of England. Our instrumentation engineers are product trained and able to help with instrument selection within the full range of Vaisala Dewpoint Portables. Please call either office for more information (Glasgow 0141 641 5920, Warrington 01925 572401).