Vaisala HMW90 relative humidity and temperature transmitters are designed for HVAC control in building automation applications. HMW90 transmitters offer a simple, clean installation and are commonly installed in museums, laboratories, swimming pools, data centers and manufacturing facilities. The full range of Vaisala HMW90 Relative Humidity and Temperature transmitters incorporate the following options…
Each RH model within the Vaisala HMW90 range comes with a range of calculated output options, including dewpoint; Absolute humidity; Enthalpy; Mixing ratio and Wet bulb temperature. The introduction of digital (BACnet/Modbus) communication to field level instrumentation brings many advantages. All sensors can be centrally accessed and monitored. Wiring is simple when multiple sensors are installed on the same bus. Sensors can be set up using standardized tools, and the system can be enlarged with additional sensors quickly and conveniently. In addition, parameters influencing measurements, such as pressure or site elevation, can be centrally set and updated.
On-site calibration (including adjustment) of Vaisala HMW90 instrumentation is simple. The sliding cover exposes offset trimmers for one point calibration without disturbing measurement. The display instantly indicates the effects of changes. A service port enables two-point calibration, using either a PC or the Vaisala HM70 Held Humidity and Temperature Meter. HMW90 series transmitters include a user-exchangeable measurement module, which can be ordered as a spare part from Fluidic.
Vaisala HMW90 Relative Humidity and Temperature instrumentation offers a unique feature to accompany the minimalist design and hidden wire install of the transmitter range. The optional decorative cover can be painted or even fitted with a sample of wallpaper to discretely blend the instrument in with your décor. See product photos above, contact Fluidic for help with product selection to include this feature.
Video: Installation and adjustment of the Vaisala HMW90 RH&T transmitters
Fluidic are a recognised partner of Vaisala CEN (Industrial division) for Scotland and the North of England. Our instrumentation engineers are product trained and able to help with instrument selection within the full range of Vaisala Relative Humidity and Temperature instruments. Please call either office for more information (Glasgow 0141 641 5920, Warrington 01925 572401).