Status SEM1600 Series Signal Conditioners take a raw signal from RTD, thermocouples, voltage or current sources and provide a 2 wire conditioned output (commonly 4-20mA) that can be reliably output to may control systems.
SEM1600 series signal conditioners require a separate (12-24Vac or dc) supply and incorporate IO isolation. For loop powered temperature transmitters, have a look at the SEM1605, SEM1615 and SEM315 range of DIN rail temperature transmitters HERE.
Along with the above common inputs, resistance can also be selected. An example of this would be in conjunction with a float level sensor application. Various versions of these transmitters would also allow a non linear signal, for example volume filling in a tank. This is configurable via the free of charge Status “Speedlink” software and standard mini USB “camera cable”. Contact Fluidic for a copy of the downloadable software.
Status DIN Rail Signal Converters come with a small footprint. The SEM1600 series has a width of 17.5mm, reducing panel size and associated costs. Installation is directly to standard “top hat” DIN rail (EN 50022).
The following SEM1600 series DIN Rail signal conditioners are available:
All of the Status DIN Rail Signal Converters convert to an active/passive mA or voltage output. Also see the SEM1620 for a unique 3-wire output version.
Fluidic are a recognised partner of Status Instruments for Scotland and the North of England. Along with the above DIN rail mounted temperature transmitters we offer head mounted transmitters and a range of signal conditioning instrumentation. Our instrumentation engineers are product trained and are able to help with instrument selection within the full Status Instruments supply scope. Please call either office for more information (Glasgow 0141 641 5920, Warrington 01925 572401).