Status Instruments SEM310 is a top of the range, in-head temperature transmitter. The current model, SEM310 MKII – released late 2017 – provides options for dual, universal inputs and HART diagnostics on the 4-20mA analogue output. The SEM310X version provides this with ATEX and IECEx compliance options to boot.
In compliance with the latest ATEX standards, the SEM310X temperature transmitter is configured using a certified USB cable (see photos). This is required for all ATEX transmitter configurations, even when the configuration is to take place in the safe area. The standard SEM310 (safe area only) transmitter can be configured using a standard mini USB cable (“camera cable”).
For lower spec applications, consider the SEM210 (and SEM210X ATEX) transmitters.
Fluidic are a recognised partner of Status Instruments for Scotland and the North of England. Along with the above DIN rail mounted temperature transmitters we offer head mounted transmitters and a range of signal conditioning instrumentation. Our instrumentation engineers are product trained and are able to help with instrument selection within the full Status Instruments supply scope. Please call either office for more information (Glasgow 0141 641 5920, Warrington 01925 572401).