Vaisala HMP7 Humidity and Temperature Probe is designed for applications which involve constant high (even condensing), or rapid changes in, humidity. This includes drying and test chambers, combustion air and other humidifiers and meteorological measurements where measurement performance and chemical tolerance are essential. Vaisala HMP7 is part of the Indigo product family and compatible with Indigo500 series transmitters and free Insight PC Software. The probes incorporate established, robust Vaisala HUMICAP® technology. This sensor technology has many years proven use in industry.
Vaisala HMP7 avoids condensation at extreme humidity via a unique probe heating function. Probe heating functionality heats up not only the sensor, but the whole probe head. When the probe temperature is heated above dew point temperature, condensation on the probe can be avoided while measuring the dew point temperature of the process. By setting the temperature compensation value obtained, for example, with the TMP1 temperature probe, true relative humidity at process temperature can be measured while avoiding condensation by elevated probe temperature.
Indigo 500 Video – Avoiding Condensation with Vaisala HMP7 Probe
As part of the Vaisala Indigo family, HMP7 can offer a variety of connectivity options through analogue signals or digital outputs, configurable relays, and wireless (WLAN) configuration interface, providing a suitable solution for all industrial humidity measurements. The cable length between the probe and transmitter can be extended to up to 30meters.
Fluidic are a recognised partner of Vaisala CEN (Industrial division) for Scotland and the North of England. Our instrumentation engineers are product trained and able to help with instrument selection within the full range of Vaisala relative humidity and dewpoint transmitters. Please call either office for more information (Glasgow 0141 641 5920, Warrington 01925 572401).